June 27, 2024

A new law in the US has outraged experts

Schools in the US state of Louisiana will soon have a poster or framed representation of the Bible’s Ten Commandments hanging in every classroom. Governor Jeff Landry signed related legislation on Wednesday (local time). According to media reports, Louisiana is the only state in the United States with such a regulation. The Republican-controlled state is located in what is known as the “Bible Belt” in the southern United States.

Is the new law unconstitutional? Louisiana imposes Ten Commandments

According to the law’s proponents, the Ten Commandments are the “foundational documents” for the conduct of government in the United States. If you want to respect law and order, you have to start with the “original law” that the biblical prophet Moses received from God, Landry said Wednesday, according to CNN. Citizens’ associations intend to challenge the law in court. It violates the principle of separation of church and state and is “flagrantly unconstitutional,” according to the United States for Separation of Church and State.

The separation of church and state is minimal in America

The controversy over the separation of church and state is a long-standing socio-political issue in the United States. Decades ago, the Supreme Court ruled against Bible reading and organized prayer in public schools. However, there are now signs of change: in recent years, the Supreme Court has spoken out in favor of weakening the separation of church and state.

In June 2022, a state high school football coach could pray on the field with his players, a judge ruled. The Constitution protects the religious freedom of sports teachers. ■

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