June 27, 2024

An unfair medical test causes student protests in India – News

When it comes to the exam for coveted medical study places, not everything is fair. The students resist.

For most Indian parents, only one thing matters: that their children become doctors or engineers. This is linked to the hope of social advancement and stable income. The rush to get into college is enormous and the pressure to perform is enormous.

The shock was even greater when it became known two weeks ago that all was not going well at this year’s medical exam.

67 times the highest score, and subsequent corrections

At the beginning of May, more than two million young people competed in the national exam for one of nearly 100,000 places to study medicine. The standardized test is conducted by the government’s National Examinations Commission. Equality of opportunity should be guaranteed. But this time 67 graduates received the highest marks. Usually only two or three are able to do this.

In addition, the examination committee subsequently corrected upward the results of more than 1,500 additional test participants. This also worsens everyone else’s chances. It is left open why the committee did this.

This is absolutely unethical.

Students and their parents have been protesting for days against discrepancies in the medical test. “This is absolutely immoral,” shouted one mother at one of the many protest events. “My daughter has always been one of the best. But now she has left empty-handed. “I won’t leave her alone for a moment anymore because I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself.”

The government’s audit committee rejected all allegations. The education minister from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party was also surprisingly quick to rule out fraud.

Students, parents and student organizations do not want to be deceived by this. In the petitions, they ask the Supreme Court to conduct an independent investigation and demand that the entire exam be repeated.

So far, the court has only ordered that approximately 1,500 candidates who received an improved result subsequently retake the test. After tremendous pressure, the court decided to hold a hearing on Thursday at short notice. The decision is expected to be issued at the beginning of July.

Fame and honor for the whole family

Open the box
Close the box

Student leader Abdullah Muhammad Fayez says that behind the students there is a family that invests a lot of money in preparing for the test and therefore has high expectations. A place at the university means honor for the whole family.

According to Weisz, there is now a great fear that it is not the smartest or most hardworking people who should get the best places to study, but supposedly those with the biggest wallets or the best connections.

In the media, contradictions surrounding medical examinations are the number one topic. It has just become known that completed medical tests were sold to test participants in Bihar for the equivalent of up to CHF 3,400. One student has already admitted his guilt. 13 people were arrested.

I got into politics

Meanwhile, politics also smells of new things. The opposition Congress Party sided with the cheating students and their parents. A Congress representative criticizes the government for not taking students’ concerns seriously. The Congress Party also wants to raise this issue in the new parliament.

Meanwhile, Home Minister Amit Shah admitted that there had been irregularities in the tests. More university entrance exams have been canceled in short order. Meanwhile, police in Delhi under his command arrested the protesting students. This means that the conflict is not over yet. The Congress Party called for more strikes across the country on Friday.

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