June 28, 2024

Baseball doping scandal in the United States of America


Doping scandal in the United States of America – 20 professional baseball players are threatened with bans

Sports in the United States are facing the largest doping scandal in its history. Suspicion is directed at 20 professional baseball players. They include Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, who has reportedly been in relationships with Madonna, Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz.

Alex Rodriguez is said to have used steroids.


The American channel ESPN reported that Major League Baseball (MLB) is seeking to impose a ban on 20 players, including New York Yankees player Alex Rodriguez. The deciding factor will be whether Anthony Bush, owner of the health clinic Biogenesis of America, will cooperate with the association and provide the underlying evidence for a ban.

MLB coach Bud Selig isn’t stopping at the biggest names. He wants to impose a 100-game ban on star Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod). Reason: A-Rod will be a repeat offender.

The 38-year-old, who signed a 10-year, $275 million contract with the Yankees on December 13, 2007, admitted in an interview with ESPN four years ago that he used steroids between 2001 and 2003.

According to Selig, any contact with Bush would be a first violation of the doping guidelines, and denying it would be a second violation.

Rodriguez, who was rumored to have affairs with Madonna, Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz after his second divorce, has denied any contact with Bush.

In the documents that Al-Douri received from a clinic employee in exchange for a sum of money, Rodriguez’s name appeared a total of 16 times between 2009 and 2012.

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