June 27, 2024

BBC turns 100: 'Digital Museum' celebrates historic birthday

BBC turns 100: ‘Digital Museum’ celebrates historic birthday

The BBC is celebrating its 100th birthday this year and has opened a kind of digital museum to celebrate this achievement. It consists of three collections – 100 Elements, 100 Faces and 100 Voices – from the eventful history of the BBC, which can be searched online. They will be expanded and supplemented throughout the year, and exhibitions in museums and a book of their own will be added later. In addition, 1,000 pieces of BBC history will be digitized for the first time and also displayed.

Initially as a British broadcasting company, the BBC began broadcasting daily radio programs on 14 November 1922. There has been news and weather report from the start. The messages were read twice, once quickly and then again slowly, “so that the audience could take notes if necessary.” The first experimental television broadcasts were still in the 1920s. In 1938 the first foreign language radio station was added – in Arabic. In 1940, the BBC distributed the appeal of French General Charles de Gaulle to his countrymen not to bow to the Third Reich. all in all 100 such teachers in BBC history Arranged according to a timeline, not all of which can be viewed outside the UK.

to me 100 pieces of BBC history Meanwhile belongs among others The official website of the broadcasterwhich was published on bbc.co.uk on December 15, 1997 – a year and a half after Hayes was online. There’s also a Teletubbie costume, individual parts of Daleks from Doctor Who, graphics from Monty Python Flying Circus and a coat from “Sherlock”. The Hundred Faces include journalistic writer George Orwell and David Brent (Ricky Gervais) from the sitcom The Office. The Hundred Votes are likely to be less well known in this country.

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