June 27, 2024

Christoph Waltz: “What is happening in the American election campaign is the end of civic interaction.”

Shame rather than joy: this seems to be Christoph Waltz’s recipe for success. In the current GQ you see the actor seriously, almost thoughtfully. He reflects on his new role in the movie “Tarzan,” regional peculiarities, and the American election campaign. And on what it means to be an eternal villain: “You can only play villains your whole life. They have to be different from each other.” According to the actor, you can currently see how well this has worked in the US presidential campaign. “There are only complete idiots, but with different characteristics,” was Waltz’s harsh judgment.

But America wasn’t always bad for the native Viennese. Two Oscars, one CV, full of the most exciting leading roles, from Inglourious Basterds, to James Bond: Specter, to Tarzan, his most recent film. “It’s about colonialism, exploitation and enslavement through European abuses. And yet it’s an adventure film.” Waltz says good entertainment and serious topics don’t necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. “The best entertainment is the best because it transcends itself.”

Waltz also talks about his future plans in the big GQ interview. About his dream of finally becoming a director of his own film. “I invested nine months in the project before I realized I had to postpone the whole thing for another six months. I don’t envy directors who are always stuck in a loop like this. At least I can still do it while doing something different.” For example, he had another movie hit as a Belgian colonial governor in the movie “Tarzan.” Is it enough for a third Oscar? See for yourself.

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New GQ

Read also: Why is Christoph Waltz’s relationship with Hollywood always so contradictory? You can find the entire interview in the August issue of GQ – on newsstands starting July 14.