June 26, 2024

Conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Kate spark unrest – South Tyrol News


It has been 70 days since the Monday the future queen was spotted. The palace announced on January 17 that Kate was recovering from a planned abdominal operation and would therefore not attend any appointments until after Easter. We still have one month to go – yet unrest is on the rise in the UK.

This is not the fault of the tabloids, who usually pounce on every detail: what color Kate’s dress is, what she wants to express with her jewelry, how gracefully she smiles. But there has been no speculation about her health condition for weeks. The royal family asked for privacy and stood up to the notorious “yellow press.”

Announcing the operation, he said: “Therefore, Kensington Palace will only report on Her Royal Highness’s progress when significant new information becomes available.” No details were provided about her illness, other than that it was not cancer. But the old palace rule of “never complain, never explain” – which the late Queen Elizabeth II always adhered to – is becoming increasingly difficult in the age of social media.

It was Kate’s husband who started the rumors. When Prince William, 41, canceled an important royal event at short notice for “personal reasons” on Tuesday, the internet’s Pandora’s box was opened. The rumors on social networks became so great, and various conspiracy theories spread so widely across the Internet, that Kensington Palace felt obliged to announce again: The Princess is recovering, and is in good health. They said they would reach out if the worst came to the worst.

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But it didn’t help. William’s happy mood at the Welsh national holiday meetings on Friday did not quiet the speculation and rumours.

The explanation is “not enough to satisfy modern curiosity”, and the Telegraph lamented that viewing of the royals online “has reached a new level of insanity”. “The Sun” wrote about the “crisis week.” The BBC even reported on a “royal dilemma as the public grows more curious about Kate’s health.”

The English patient is by no means the only senior member of the royal family currently absent due to illness. King Charles III’s father-in-law (75) is suffering from cancer and is not currently attending any public appointments. But there are no rumors about the king.

Sky News Royals correspondent Rhiannon Mills commented: “The insatiable appetite for news about the Princess has not been helped by the idea that the King has become more open about his cancer diagnosis.” Charles waved to onlookers from a distance as he entered the church. He was filmed reading his get-well wishes and met British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on camera.

Experts believe the comparison is unfair. “He is the head of state,” Mills asserts. Not just from Great Britain, but from dozens of other countries. On the other hand, Kate has no constitutional office. Mills said this is why Charles is in a different position than the princess. Charles wants to send a video message to mark Commonwealth Day, one of the most important dates in the royal calendar. His mother, Queen Elizabeth II, said: “People have to see me to believe in me.”

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The monarchy, reduced in size under Charles, needed its servants. Without Charles and Kate, there are hardly any members of the royal family attending the appointments. Queen Camilla (76) and her sister-in-law Princess Anne (73) are there, William – then the second row begins around the corner, with Charles’ younger brother Prince Edward and his wife Duchess Sophie (both 59).

Camila in particular has recently been attending far more appointments than she had on her calendar, The Sun reported. But the queen also needs rest. The newspaper reported that she would soon begin a vacation abroad. However, this leads to new concerns. Ingrid Seward, an expert on the royal family, told The Sun: “This will raise the question of who is in charge at such a crucial time when so many members of the royal family are out of work.”