June 28, 2024

Distinctive conditions cause problems when scanning

Image: Cornerstone

Marina Speer/Watson.de

Traveling by plane is usually associated with stress and excitement: Have you packed everything that is important? Am I on the right portal? Will I make it to the boarding in time? Time pressure and worries about our luggage accompany us until we reach our destination.

This is why some tricks are used at the airport: In order to identify a checked bag in the baggage carousel as quickly as possible, some people attach colored ribbons or other unique features to their luggage. However, an expert now explains that the supposedly clever idea could lead to problems.

The famous tape trick

Every year, more than 20 million bags or bags are lost or arrived late while traveling by air. It is no wonder that passengers are now abandoning checking their luggage and prefer to travel with hand luggage only. Not only does this save you a lot of money, but it also saves you nerves and stress.

But for longer flights, you need more luggage and have no choice but to check your bag. The task is now uncomplicated and very practical because you can print the wristband and attach it with the code yourself.

The complicated and stressful part doesn’t wait until you arrive: Your nerves are often frayed when searching for your bag on the luggage carousel – especially if it’s not in sight.

To solve the problem, travelers came up with a trick that has become well established. With the help of a colored stripe or any other colored feature on the bag, it should be recognized from a distance and protected from accidental switching.

Problems checking baggage

Now a baggage handler at Dublin Airport has revealed the serious flaw in the trick: the supposedly useful straps delay the bag’s arrival on the collection conveyor.

Opposite Irish News Portal »Respond to the direct invitationHe explains his vision: “The straps that travelers attach to their bags for identification could lead to problems when checking their luggage.”

Eye-catching colors help identify the bag among many similar-looking pieces of luggage. But the features also attract the attention of airport scanners, causing confusion among machines.

The airport employee explains that baggage that cannot be automatically checked ends up in manual processing. Then a traveler’s nightmare often happens and the bag does not reach the plane in time.

Not only tapes, but also old stickers or stickers as souvenirs from previous trips can be an obstacle to scanners. Therefore, you should not tape or attach anything like this to your luggage. Otherwise you risk losing your luggage and spoiling your wonderful holiday.

Instead of flashy straps, you can get a bag in a bright color like yellow or pink. Since many travelers carry black or gray suitcases, it is very likely that you will quickly find what you are looking for on the conveyor belt of the truck.

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