June 27, 2024

Euro 2024 – Gundogan on the confrontation with Orban: “We laughed” in England – Sports

Stuttgart (dpa) – Ilkay Gundogan was surprised that the first German goal in winning the European Championship against Hungary was examined by the video assistant due to an error on his part and led to some protests by the opponent. For him, the active confrontation with RB Leipzig’s Willi Orban was completely normal and also according to the rules. Gundogan said after the national football team’s 2-0 victory in Stuttgart: “I was a little surprised by (Orban) or the Hungarian players’ complaints,” referring to the scene that preceded the match (1-0).

There was severe physical contact between Gundogan and Orban in the penalty area in the 22nd minute as they fought for the ball. The Leipzig player fell to the ground, and Gundogan passed the ball to Jamal Musiala, who shot it into the goal. “I played in the Premier League for seven years,” Gundogan said, recalling his time at Manchester City. “They would have laughed so hard if the goal had not been scored.”

President of Hungary: “For me, this is wrong”

Naturally, Orban himself evaluates the scene completely differently. “For me, this is a mistake,” said the 31-year-old professional from German club RB Leipzig. “He checked me in the groin, my groin flew to the side and I almost fell flat on my face. There’s no reason to lie down like that in the penalty area.”

Hungary’s Italian coach, Marco Rossi, also expressed his anger at the referees’ decision. “Germany does not need any help from the referee, especially against Hungary,” the 59-year-old said. He “never looked for excuses” in his career as a player or coach, but: “The referee was the worst on the field today.”

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