June 28, 2024

Fascism in Italy – Fascist salute scandal: Meloni remains silent – News


In Italy, videos of a neo-fascist rally in Rome caused an uproar: hundreds of people at the event raised their right arms and gave the fascist salute. This gesture is known in Italy as “Saluto Romano” (Roman salute).


The so-called Acca Larentia murders of January 7, 1978 were commemorated at the event held on Sunday evening in Rome. At that time, three members of the Italian Social Movement's fascist youth movement were killed in an attack by left-wing extremists.


It was expected that the reactions to the videos did not take long to arrive. The opposition in particular immediately came forward demanding the dissolution of the neo-fascist organizations and for Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to comment on the incident.

Melonie remains staunchly silent

But Melonie remained silent – ​​for days. However, this is nothing out of the ordinary. When it comes to the relationship with fascism, Melonie gets very lazy. Although she stresses that there is no place in her party for those who feel nostalgia for fascism, a number of scandals within its ranks show a different picture.

Since Meloni took office as Prime Minister, she has not commented on the issue at all, but has literally avoided it. The European elections are coming soon; Maybe you don't want to upset the hard core of post-fascist primary voters.

No scarcity

Videos showing people performing “Saluto Romano” are not common in Italy. Although “glorifying fascism” has been a criminal offense in the country for years, there have been similar images commemorating the murders that took place in Aca Larentia in previous years.

Historian and fascism expert Davide Conte says the fact that such videos are tolerated in Italy has to do with a failure to come to terms with fascism. “There was no Nuremberg in our country, that is, there was no formal process that historically recognized the responsibilities of fascism throughout its existence until its end.”

But this time the cry is louder. This is also because of Meloni's party. Fratelli d'Italia has its roots in the Italian Social Movement, a successor party to dictator Benito Mussolini's fascist party.

Simona Caminada

Simona Caminada

Italy and Vatican SRF correspondent

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Simona Caminada is SRF's correspondent for Italy and the Vatican in Rome. She has been working at the SRF since 2011: first as a radio journalist for the regional magazine Zurich/Schaffhausen and then for SRF3, then as a local TV correspondent in canton Graubünden and temporarily in canton Ticino.

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