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Globally Recognized Immunization Registry kicks off G20 HWG series of meetings in Indonesia…

Indonesian Ministry of Health

Jakarta, April 10 /PRNewswire/

Indonesia, which holds the presidency of the upcoming G20 Summit, has started the Health Working Group (HWG) meetings, which took place from 28-30 March 2022 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Indonesia’s G20 presidency aims to coordinate safe and healthy travel around the world, particularly the recognition of vaccination certificates against the COVID-19 virus, in the wake of the pandemic that has hit countries around the world. The aim of the HWG meeting was to promote health dialogue among participating countries and synchronize global health protocols.

The meeting was attended by 70 foreign delegates and 50 local delegates. Delegates from Australia, Argentina, UK, India etc. attended in person, as well as the World Health Organization (WHO). Virtual participants included Canada, France, and others, as well as international organizations such as the World Bank.

“We need globally synchronized health protocols to enable safe international travel and ultimately accelerate social and economic recovery,” said Budi Gunadi Sadkin, Indonesia’s Minister of Health.

At the HWG meeting, it was announced the start of standardization of digital COVID-19 vaccine certifications by a universal testing device according to WHO standards. The system is web-based and can be used on all devices. Individual countries do not need to change the system or QR codes currently in use.

Health protocol restrictions vary from country to country. for example, EuropeCountries such as Denmark, Hungary and others have lifted all measures, but some still require a certificate of vaccination upon entry. While Middle East and African countries You still need a vaccination certificate or PCR test.

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Each country is given the flexibility to apply the required health protocols on its territory. However, the procedures are clear and comprehensive, which strengthens the global health architecture and facilitates travel between countries.

Health log synchronization is required to support the interrelationship of health information. This process is expected to start in the G20 countries and spread to other countries around the world.

The second HWG meeting in Lombok in June will discuss the Global Health Fund in the event of a future pandemic. The last event of the HWG series in Bali in November will address global medical research.

More information is available on the Indonesian Ministry of Health website https://www.kemkes.go.id/.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1779676/51966371023_bb8af715ed_6k.jpg

Media contact:

Daniel Simanjuntak ,
+6221-52907416-19 ext 116,
[email protected]