June 27, 2024

Google launches paid Chrome browser

With Chrome Enterprise Premium, this week at the Google Cloud Next conference, Google introduced a new version of its Chrome web browser designed specifically for business use. The new version of Chrome is based on Chrome Enterprise, which has been available for free for some time and has now been renamed Chrome Enterprise Core.

We are makers in one Blog post Explain, a new browser release must take endpoint security into account at the browser level. With the new premium browser, company policies can be enforced, updates and extensions can be managed, and protocols such as RDP, SCP or SSH are supported. Incident reporting and forensic functions are provided, which can be integrated into Google solutions but also into third-party products. The browser supports context-dependent access controls, for example to enforce persistent zero trust access. In addition, Chrome Enterprise Premium also supports all Chrome Enterprise Core features such as cloud management, extension management, easy management through third-party solutions or malware and phishing protection.

However, Google does not provide the extended security features in Chrome Enterprise Core for free. If you want to take advantage of it, you pay $6 per user per month to use the premium browser. (research and development)

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