June 28, 2024

Hauzenberg Power Outage Currently April 10, 2023: Current disruptions to the power grid

In Hauzenberg, there was a power outage on Sunday afternoon in the area of ​​postcode 94051. You can read all information about the power outages in Hauzenberg since April 9, 2023 and where to find help here at news.de

Spontaneous failures in the power grid can happen again and again. Photo: Adobe Stock / T.Michel

Hauzenberg’s breakdowns and maintenance are up to date

On average, residents of Bavaria have to live without electricity for about 9 minutes over the course of a year. So blackouts are by no means the norm, not even in Hauzenberg. In most cases, LV disturbances affecting only one or a few families are recorded. According to the Störsauskunft.de portal, a message for the city of Hauzenberg is currently being listed. The responsible electricity company Bayernwerk Netz GmbH has accordingly reported a malfunction in the supply area. Anyone wishing to know about current events in the region will find all the detailed information about the work in progress below.

The following bugs are currently available on April 10, 2023 at Hauzenberg

A temporary incident in the power grid of Bayernwerk Netz GmbH’s supply area is currently being worked on. Region Leitenweg, Wolkar (within a radius of about 1 km) in Oberkümmering, Hauzenberg (postal code 94051, district of Passau) has been affected since April 9, 2023 at 3:07 PM, the problem should be resolved as soon as possible by the responsible technicians. Unfortunately, the network operator has not announced any additional information.

(As of: 04/10/2023, 00:43)

Reporting a Hauzenberg outage: How do I find out who is responsible for correcting the fault?

If you are affected by a power outage, keep calm and check if the fuse in the fuse box has blown due to overload, for example. Do not immediately report a power outage to the police or fire brigade rescue co-ordination centers, as most of the time it is not an emergency. So the correct address is your energy supplier.

Here you can access the error report from the responsible network operator Bayernwerk Netz.

Evidence: This is the best way to deal with a power outage

Even if the German power grid works very reliably, none of us are immune from grid problems or even blackouts. Therefore, solid emergency preparedness makes sense and doesn’t require a great deal of effort. So what can be done to deal with such incidents in the best possible way?

If you do not have access to a power grid for a longer period of time, it is recommended that you use battery-powered devices at home, such as cell phones or household appliances, as sparingly as possible. When the power goes out, there is usually no more lighting. Be sure to keep any alternative light sources (flashlight, candles, etc.) in the drawer. An additional uninterruptible power supply (UPS), for example as a variant with Schuko plugs to avoid data loss, is also a good idea. This applies to smaller devices with a power bank. Not only as a hobby camper, it’s also a good idea to have a small gas stove at home and, if possible, a source of nutritious, easy-to-process food. It is recommended to always have a sufficient supply of water bottles on hand especially in areas with a mains power supply. Also and especially if you are dependent on supplying medical equipment yourself, it is highly recommended that you think about an emergency beforehand.

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Blackouts: states and federal states in comparison

Outages in the power grid happen from time to time, even if they are mostly regional and only temporary. In Germany, a lot is being done to ensure there are no power outages, and statistically speaking, German households have to go without electricity for an average of less than 20 minutes a year. In the UK it takes more than 1 hour a year, and in some European countries like Poland or Italy it takes more than 3 hours.

A comparison of federal states by the Federal Grid Agency shows that the main figures for outages range from 9 to 19 minutes. Rhineland-Palatinate (about 19 minutes a year) and Brandenburg (about 17 minutes) top the list, followed by Saxony-Anhalt (16 minutes). On the other hand, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, Bavaria, Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein have the least blackouts (about 9 minutes each).

What’s also interesting: Energy crisis: Germany’s concerns about electricity supply

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+++ Editorial note: This text has been generated on the basis of existing data with the help of artificial intelligence. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

ROJ / news.de