June 28, 2024

Jilsheng power outage is currently on 29/06/2022: these faults exist

Jilsheng power outage is currently on 29/06/2022: these faults exist

In Gilching, the power was cut off in the New Gelching area on Tuesday morning. Other parts of the Gilching may experience interruptions due to routine maintenance. You can read all the information about the power outage in Gilching on June 28, 2022 and the situation in the power grid here at news.de

Power outage and maintenance in Jilsheng currently

On average, the German population is supplied with electricity continuously except for a few minutes per year. For example, failure is not the norm in Gilching, Bavaria, but it can always happen temporarily. According to the Störsauskunft.de portal, there is currently only one message for the city of Gilching that affects the power grid. There is also information about the maintenance order being processed by the network operator Bayernwerk Netz GmbH. Anyone wishing to know about current events in the area will find detailed information about the work in progress below.

The following flaws are currently available on June 29, 2022 in Gilching

Register of energy network operator Bayernwerk Netz GmbH in the region Dorfstraße (and within a radius of about 1 km) in Neugilching, Argelsried, Gilching in the administrative district “Wörthsee” (postal code 82205, district Starnberg) a power outage. The problem has been around since 06/28/2022 at 08:05 AM, and technicians are currently trying to fix it. It is not yet known when the turmoil is expected to resolve. Unfortunately, the network operator has not reported any other details about the outage.

(Status: 06/29/2022, 09:21 AM)

This maintenance is currently being carried out on June 29, 2022 in Gilching

Since 08:00 in the area Kreuzlinger Straße in Geisenbrunn, Gilching in the administrative district “Wörthsee” (postal code 82205, district Starnberg) Routine maintenance was carried out on behalf of Bayernwerk Netz GmbH. There may be an overlap in a radius of about one kilometer. Work will be completed by 11:30 this morning. A direct report from the network operator is not available.

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(Status: 06/29/2022, 09:21 AM)

Gilching Power Outage Reporting: How do I find out the correct hotspot for my error report?

If you experience a blackout, first keep quiet and check if the fuse in the fuse box has blown due to overload, for example. Do not report a power outage to the police or rescue co-ordination centers of the fire brigade immediately, as most of the time it is not an emergency. So the correct address is your power supply.

Here you get the error information from your network operator Bayernwerk Netz.

What you can do if an error occurs

If you find problems with your power supply, this can have several reasons. However, there are some actions that you can take to fix the problem on your own. Often it is not a major defect at all, in most cases the circuit fuse has been blown for protection reasons only. So, first check your fuse box to see if the fuse has blown there. If this is the case, disconnect all consumers that may be causing this from the mains and then turn the fuse back on. If the problem is not resolved, then there is a high probability of damage to the power line in the circuit. At this point, you should consult a specialist. If the power outage extends far beyond your home, the power grid may already be down. Power outages alone are not an emergency! Do not call the police or fire emergency numbers directly. Instead, contact your power provider.

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The Blackout Scenario: How would our lives change without electricity

The dependence of modern societies on electricity is now very high. We’ll notice it right after a widespread power outage. Communication sources such as TV and the Internet are no longer working, and our cell phones can no longer be used after a few hours. Traffic lights and EC devices are down, and hospitals are running on emergency power. Already in the first days after the collapse, serious health problems appeared in medical facilities and broiler farms, water and waste disposal collapsed. Food reserves are gradually running out in supermarkets and private households. In this critical situation, panic increases among the population and crime also increases. After about a week, even the last of the big data centers have to give up. In this worst-case scenario, German nuclear power plants are in danger of super-failing, as adequate cooling of the reactors can no longer be guaranteed.

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+++ Editorial note: This text has been created on the basis of current data with the help of artificial intelligence. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

ROJ / news.de