June 27, 2024

Madeleine misses Prince Daniel’s birthday party

the Royal family

Updated November 9, 2023 at 4:47 p.m

Swedish Princess Madeleine will miss her brother-in-law Prince Daniel’s birthday party. But on her last visit, she was able to make him happy.

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princess Swedish Madeleine She will not appear at Prince Daniel’s birthday party. The court confirmed this to the Swedish newspaper “Svensk Dam”. Her husband, Chris, and their two children will also be absent from the festival.

The reason is the long trip that the family does not want to take again. The royal family lives in Florida, USA, and is therefore far from their Swedish homeland.

Small private party on recent visit

However, Prince Daniel shouldn’t be so sad. During their last visit in the summer, Madeleine and her husband Chris organized a small party for Daniel to celebrate his 50th birthday. Daniel’s birthday was September 15, overshadowing King Carl Gustav’s 50th anniversary of his accession to the throne, which happened to be on the same day.

Now his birthday party will be rescheduled for November 11 – 57 days late. The celebration will take place at Stockholm Palace.

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King Charles: first

As the reigning monarch, King Charles delivered the so-called “King’s Speech” in the British Parliament for the first time. In May 2022, Charles had already succeeded his mother, Elizabeth, as heir to the throne.

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