June 27, 2024

Microbiome Research: Traces of Unidentified Bacteria Everywhere

Microbiome Research: Traces of Unidentified Bacteria Everywhere

If you are looking for new bacteria and viruses, you will definitely find some of them: According to this slogan, microbiome researchers use genetic analyzes to detect previously unknown bacteria based on their genetic effects on all types of surfaces. New interim report For the magazine “Cell” Now presenting microbiologists from the University of Tübingen and an international team within the Metagonomics and Metadesign Consortium for Underground and Urban Biomes (MetaSUB): In a three-year project, they collected more than 5,000 swab samples from all types of surfaces in subway stations, train stations and hospitals and then analyzed the acid fragments. Nuclear contained in them in the laboratory. In samples from 60 cities and 32 countries, they found sequences of 10,928 viruses and 748 bacterial strains that had not yet been registered in a reference database.