June 27, 2024

Sociologist – Allmendinger wants to promote science in Lower Saxony – Politics

Hannover (dpa) – The famous sociologist Jutta Allmendinger took over the management of the Scientific Committee in Lower Saxony last June. The committee advises state government and science on research and university policy.

In her presentation on Wednesday in Hannover, Allmendinger said it was about “seeing Lower Saxony on the map of research excellence, and universities of excellence.” To this end, universities must work more closely with other research institutions than ever before. There is “amazing potential” for this to happen in Lower Saxony.

Lower Saxony currently does not have an outstanding university. When Science Minister Falco Mohrs (SPD) took office he set the goal of winning the next tender with at least one of the country’s top universities. A decision on the national competition is expected in spring 2025. Lower Saxony supports nine groups of excellence in preparation.

Prime Minister Stefan Weil praised Allmendinger as a leading sociologist in Germany when she took office. The Social Democratic Party politician said that the professor has great experience in the scientific world, but she also has strong opinions and intervenes publicly.

Allmendinger will initially chair the scientific committee for a period of three years.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240619-99-455663/2

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