June 28, 2024

The long science night attracts many visitors

The “Long Night of Science” in Wilhelmshaven attracts many visitors. More than 13 clubs and organizations presented the results of their research at the Botanical Garden.

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Wilhelmshaven – “Long Night of Science 2024” With 13 clubs and institutions participating in the Botanical Garden in Stadtpark, Wilhelmshaven has developed into a very successful story. The Association of North-West German Universities (NWDUG) has now held the third event of this kind and has found the right place for the event in the Botanical Garden. A guest from Wittmund, who came because of “the astronomer Wilhelmshaven-Friesland Volt,” noted the event’s supra-regional appeal. But when he saw the small tent city, which contained a lot of information, he realized that there were many other interesting topics.

Science experiment

The aim was to experience Science City live and thus spark interest in the natural sciences, and this appears to have been achieved. “Observing and obtaining information about the work and results of the various research and educational institutions in the Jade City resonates with the residents,” said President of the Botanical Garden, Sigrid Haider. “We want to make our results accessible to the general public in a generally understandable way,” the doctor said. Moritz Menninga as President of the NWDUG, who also stated that “the exposure of their research results by educational institutions such as clubs, schools, museums and universities is important.” In many of the pavilions and platforms of research institutions, visitors talked with staff or listened to numerous lectures. In the end it was clear to the now knowledgeable visitors: “Wilhelmshaven is the City of Science!”

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Clubs and institutions

North-West German University Association, the “Astronomische Verein Wilhelmshaven-Friesland eV”, the German Maritime Museum, the ICBM Institute for Chemistry and Marine Biology of the University of OL, the IfV Institute for Ornithological Research, the Jade University and the Coastal Institute. The museum, the Lower Saxony National Park Administration of Wattenmeer and Senckenberg am Meer, the regional educational ecosystem ReBis MINT, the “Scientists of the Future”, NIhK Wilhelmshaven, the Wattenmeer Visitor Center and the WHV economic development agency participated.