June 27, 2024

The new path leads to the manhole cover

Florian R., the girl’s brother-in-law, is still considered the main suspect, although the arrest warrant against him has been cancelled.

Five years after Rebecca’s disappearance, new evidence emerges in the case. A witness who has been publicly silent for a long time turns to Bild newspaper with information.

She stated that she saw a suspicious tent on the edge of a field in the Berlin area on the day Rebecca disappeared. This is extended over the manhole cover.

Suspicious: A pink Twingo was reportedly parked next to it. Florian R drove exactly such a car at the time. The attractive car was key to the investigation into Rebecca’s case.

When the woman made this discovery, the public was not yet aware of the girl’s disappearance. It was only a few days later that the homicide squad launched an appeal for witnesses.

The witness said: “I remembered the car and reported it to the police.” But according to her statements, the police did not contact her until weeks later. There was no proper cross-examination for the record. Just instructions that she shouldn’t talk about it.

The note about the manhole cover appeared to have been made in an online chat over the weekend, but without specifying the exact location. The issue is discussed repeatedly in such chats. Rebecca’s relatives and brother-in-law are also said to have been active in these matters at times.

On the same evening, according to eyewitnesses, Florian R.’s mother Sister Rebecca and two of her grandchildren visited Grosszeithin (D), south of Berlin. The manhole cover is there. They looked at her from the car.

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Due to the ongoing investigation, the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office and the police do not wish to comment on the matter.

Florian R.’s mother said: She “certainly did not look” at the manhole cover at the edge of the field, she told Bild.