June 27, 2024

The Only English-Speaking Country in South America » Latin News

The Cooperative Republic of Guyana is a country located on the Atlantic coast of South America. It is bordered by Brazil to the south and west, Venezuela to the northwest, and Suriname to the east. Guyana is also one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world with a population of only 804,567 people. It is the only country in the region that uses English as an official language. Most people belong to Christian, Hindu and Muslim religions. The most famous and popular sport besides football is cricket and the capital city is surrounded by sea and forest, so air and sea are the two main means of getting around. The first part of the name is due to the system of government and the second part to its location in the geographical area of ​​Guyana. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name means “land of many waters”.

Where is the origin of Guyana?

Like neighboring countries Suriname and French Guiana, Guyana is among the territories occupied by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and France. Before the arrival of the aliens, these areas were inhabited by the Arawaks and Caribs. Without forming an organized state, about 30,000 people lived in tribes, hunting and gathering. The first European to explore the coast of Guyana was the Spaniard Alonso de Ojeda, who reached the Demerara region and mapped the area. Years later, in 1530, Guyana was officially conquered with the arrival of Diego de Ordas, who founded the province of Guyana and ceded it to the Spanish crown. The province includes the modern Venezuelan states of Bolivar, Delta Amacuru, and Amazonas, as well as the Essequibo District, a 160,000 sq km area in present-day Guyana that is now disputed with Venezuela. The search for the legendary El Dorado motivated European explorers to reach Guyana, but they never found it. Unable to find treasure, the economy was based on agriculture, especially in coastal areas. After a series of wars between the English and the Dutch, the local population rose up against the abuses committed by the Europeans. In the end, the British won their right to free trade and became the rulers of the region.

Guyana’s cultural diversity

During the British occupation, workers of African, Chinese, Javanese and Indian origins were added and Guyana developed into a multi-ethnic country through ethnic mixing. People of different origins lived together peacefully.

What sports are there in Guyana?

Unlike its South American neighbours, the most popular sports in Guyana are cricket and basketball, but football and volleyball are also very popular.

What is the wealth of Guyana?

The country of Guyana, with a population of more than 800,000 people, has reserves of more than 10 billion barrels of oil, which could increase with new discoveries. It is indeed the country with the largest reserves per capita in the world, ahead of Brunei, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

Essequibo, territory of Guyana claimed by Venezuela

Essequibo District is the western part of the territory that comprises the Republic of Guyana. Although this region makes up two-thirds of the country, it is still “disputed” since Venezuela has territorial claims and considers this part an integral part of its country and demands its administrative return.

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