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Traffic jam in the Suez Canal: Thousands of animals are stuck in cargo ships

Traffic jam in the Suez Canal: Thousands of animals are stuck in cargo ships

March 28, 2021 – 12:47 hour

Hundreds of ships await in the Suez Canal

The wrecked container ship “Evergiven” is still closing the Suez Canal – and there is no end in sight. Animal rights activists are concerned that many of the cargo ships stranded there are said to carry live animals on board. Time is of the essence, food and water are running out.

“We are facing a great tragedy”

Osama Rabie from the Suez Canal Authority at a press conference on Saturday.


Osama Rabie, head of the Canal Authority, said in a press conference today, Saturday, that there are 321 ships waiting to cross the pass. “Marine Traffic” also announced to CNN, that 13 ships were carrying live animals on board, which were bound to different countries in Europe and Asia. The British newspaper The Guardian even reported as many as 20 ships from Romania and Spain and relies on tracking data.

Gabriel Bowen, director of the International NGO in the European Union, has warned that thousands of animals could die if the situation is not resolved. He said, “We are facing a great tragedy if the channel is not opened during the next 24 hours because there are ships running out of food and water during the next two days,” according to CNN. Additionally, other ships carrying livestock are already on their way to the Suez Canal. Some cargo ships have reserves for six days, Bowen said, “If they decide to return to Romania today, they have a chance. But if the blockade lasts from two to six days, we will face a disaster.”

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“My biggest fear is that the animals will run out of food and water and get stuck on ships because they cannot be thrown elsewhere due to the bureaucracy,” said Gerrit Weidinger, the European Union coordinator for Animals International, the Guardian. to me.

But the veterinary authorities in Bucharest gave SPIEGEL the complete evacuation. They are already in contact with transportation companies and there is enough water and food in the next few days. If the traffic jam continues for longer, animals can be discharged at other ports of arrival. Rabie talked about three ships with livestock, according to CNN. The Egyptian Ministry of Health sent them food and veterinarians.

Recovery may take weeks

At the moment, it doesn’t look as if Taiwanese shipping company “Evergreen” could be bailed out by Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen in the next few days. Another edit action on Saturday evening was canceled to no avail. According to Rabi`, around 9,000 tons of ballast water have been removed from the ship. The dredging was carried out at low tide, while 14 locomotives operated at high tide. Rescue teams managed to restart the rudder and propellers on Friday evening before low tide frustrated them.

Meanwhile, the United States, China, Greece and the United Arab Emirates offered to help free the ship. If the ship cannot be towed for free, then there is another time-consuming scenario: the cranes would have to unload the ship and remove up to 600 containers. Rabei says: It is a step “I hope” will not be taken. According to experts, it could take days or even weeks before one of the world’s most important waterways is free again.

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Suez Canal congestion costs reach 10 billion. Dollars per week

The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, thus providing the shortest shipping route between Asia and Europe. Usually around 18,000 ships pass through the waterway every year. According to the coalition, about 13 percent of the total global trade volume – equivalent to 1.25 million tons of freight – was transported through the canal in 2019.

Economists at Germany’s largest insurer wrote in an analysis published on Friday that the blockade meant losses ranging between $ 6 billion and $ 10 billion per week for global trade. “In particular, this accident will delay the delivery of everyday products to consumers around the world,” she says.