June 28, 2024

UK records 44,985 new cases of coronavirus

UK records 44,985 new cases of coronavirus

London: 44,985 other people Great Britain It has tested positive for Covid-19, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 8,734,934, according to official figures released on Saturday.
The country has also reported another 135 deaths linked to the coronavirus. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in the UK is now 139,461. These numbers include deaths from people who died within 28 days of their first positive test.
There are currently 8,238 patients in hospital with Covid-19.
The latest data came as the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that a vaccine alone would not be enough to lift the world out of the pandemic.
“We really need to take further steps” to recover from COVID-19, said WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris.
Meanwhile, teacher Stephen Richer The University of St Andrews warned that the UK was in danger of “sliding into lockdown” if it did not act quickly.
Speaking to Sky News, he warned that vaccines alone “are not completely sufficient” and that “other preventive measures” are needed to contain the epidemic.
Mr Peter OpenshawA member of the Advisory Group on New and Emerging Threats of Respiratory Viruses (Nervtag) told the BBC he feared a “Christmas closure” again when asked what people could expect from the holidays if government policies did not change.
But the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson He insisted that the country’s current “high” infection rates were “completely in line” with forecasts made earlier this year. But he said the government would “continue to examine all measures”.
The prime minister said there was “absolutely no indication” that the country would launch a new lockdown this winter, though he added that the government would “do everything we need to do to protect the public”.
The Minister of Health spoke at a press conference in Downing Street on Wednesday Sajid Javed He warned that the coronavirus epidemic was “not over yet”. javed He even predicted there could be up to 100,000 Covid cases per day before winter.
According to the latest figures, more than 86% of people aged 12 years and over in the UK have received their first dose of the vaccine and more than 79% have received both doses.
To get life back to normal, countries like the United Kingdom, China, Germany, Russia and the United States have battled time to introduce coronavirus vaccines.